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*Good for REGULAR Concord Dance Center classes ( see schedule).
I Can't wait to dance and make magic with you!
Payment options:
- Pay in advance online
- Pay cash at the door
* Special events are not included
Payment options:
- Pay in advance online
- Pay cash at the door
* Special events are not included
One on one therapeutic sessions are available on a short term or long term basis.
- Often times in life we experience hardships and difficulties that push us to grow in various ways. Therapeutic sessions offer a way to discuss and explore options as well as alternatives to current behavior and perspectives ( coping mechanisms) all while providing a safe place to test what you are learning. Therapy is an awesome resource for everyone and utilizing these services shows a willingness to learn and explore embrace this ever evolving journey of life.
Group therapeutic sessions will be developing on an ongoing basis around relevant topcis/issues, and allow participants to benefit from the confidential insight of fellow members.
- Groups sessions build confidence in individuals that you are not alone and that having a community network of like-minded individuals can greatly enhance one's experience. Inquire about these services and step into greater sisterhood/brotherhood.
Payment options:
Individual ( one on one) therapy sessions are fee for service and start at $75 per hour session. Please inquire for more information and for an individual quote.
Group sessions will generally cost $35 a session depending on topic and what materials are needed.
Jana Walker, and Temple Warrior Fitness family will continually seek to find ways to remain interconnected and vitally involved in the City of Chester and surrounding areas. Various service learning projects, fundraisers, benefits will be held on regular basis. Please check back/ the calendar to find out more as opportunities develop. Please feel free to suggest possible community service events for the center to consider becoming involved in.